We do Healing-Centred Design work

Kerry Tottingham Kerry Tottingham

Solve or Dissolve?

The word dissolve has Latin origins meaning to loosen. My thinking and perceptions around problems needs to loosen, relax, become more fluid.

This exploration of systems thinking fluidly connects design, emotion, processes, vulnerabilities and resources needed to see the big picture and illuminates the complexities that create it.

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Reflective Practice Kerry Tottingham Reflective Practice Kerry Tottingham

Micro-coach Experiment

I set myself a challenge to try out creative coaching approaches, in 15minute online calls, with people I have never spoken to before.  I wanted to see if with these restrictions, a meaningful conversation would take place. What types of issues would people bring to a short format conversation?

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I write and speak with passion about creativity, organisation development, purposeful work and making spaces for action.

To discuss an event booking or writing opportunity please email abrilliantthing@gmail.com or click the button below for more information.