Why I work with purpose-led people and eco-businesses

When I was 14, I learnt about sustainability from a charity shop book, The Vegetarian Life.  An oddity amongst my friends, I discovered, committed, and cared, and as I shared what I was learning, others around me started to care too.

Making things happen, meaningful change and bringing others on a journey excites me, and I’m really good at it!  I love nothing more than going from zero and an inkling of an idea, to developing and creating something impactful. With Brilliant Thing I get to choose how I contribute to the world and where I put my energies, I want to support making things that matter.

Everyone’s ideas are valued, every choice matters

My creative coaching work has resulted in team relationships that embrace challenge and people who produce high quality, meaningful outcomes. I thrive supporting organisational development, creating people-focused process and plans that guide and equip teams to succeed.  I nurture learning environments where everyone’s ideas and contributions are valued.

When I was a jobbing-artist I educated about environmental and world issues through creative activity, creating memorable experiences that encouraged people to take positive action.  Personally, I have navigated and made a difference in grassroots settings and professionally in complex health and social care systems.

I’ve learnt that the biggest change always comes from an individual making a conscious choice.  When others join that individual, it becomes a movement and that is where the biggest impact happens.  This is why I am intentional about the choices I make when buying green products and services, I want to be part of a planet and people-friendly movement.

Consciously Choose

Modern consumers are interested in buying into organisational values and purchasing sustainable and ethic products that have low environmental impact. As we grow confidence in our ability to positively impact on climate change, through the purchases we make, the green market is expected to continue to expand and grow.  

Green Growth means nurturing economic growth and development, within business with environmental and sustainable values and practices. 

Focusing Brilliant Thing around purpose-led people and eco-businesses means that I am consciously choosing to use my skills to support green growth, people who care and organisations who are making a difference in the world. That’s my kind of contribution. 

Take a look at the Brilliant Thing Sustainability Statement

Work with Brilliant Thing


Work on multiple things without burning out


Micro-coach Experiment