We do Healing-Centred Design work

Reflective Practice Kerry Tottingham Reflective Practice Kerry Tottingham

Blog: Meeting experiment

Imagine opening your diary and seeing spacious time, portions helpfully allocated to connecting, doing and reflecting? We think we might have cracked it?!

What if your time was punctuated by thinking space, rather than endless meetings slotted in in gaps?

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Reflective Practice Kerry Tottingham Reflective Practice Kerry Tottingham

Choosing Conscious Plenty

Ive been untangling my thinking around scarcity, plenty, expectation and growthI have been invited to join Design Thinking Academy London as a coach and my May retreat launches next week. As my business surges forward, I have been deepening its roots and doing some mental work to ground success and support my own learning.

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Reflective Practice Kerry Tottingham Reflective Practice Kerry Tottingham

Navigating personal development

For me, it started with a book.  I had already begun to work with a coach but at the time kept my work and personal worlds in different departments.  I was loaned a book which revealed that bringing the whole of me, into my work and life, with all my imperfections, was possible and a good thing!

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Reflective Practice Kerry Tottingham Reflective Practice Kerry Tottingham

Deep Change

Now feels like the time for depth, deep change. We soak up the culture of productivity, goal setting, achievement. Yet complex issues require depth, breadth and choices to enable deep-rooted change.

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Reflective Practice Kerry Tottingham Reflective Practice Kerry Tottingham

Where do you stand?

Changing your focus, the lens on your work, the place that you stand can help you create deeper, richer, more diverse ‘good’ work. Introducing human-centred design, and exploring how you can step into the heart of your work.

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Reflective Practice Kerry Tottingham Reflective Practice Kerry Tottingham

Micro-coach Experiment

I set myself a challenge to try out creative coaching approaches, in 15minute online calls, with people I have never spoken to before.  I wanted to see if with these restrictions, a meaningful conversation would take place. What types of issues would people bring to a short format conversation?

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I write and speak with passion about creativity, organisation development, purposeful work and making spaces for action.

To discuss an event booking or writing opportunity please email abrilliantthing@gmail.com or click the button below for more information.