Co-production Recipe Book

A book of recipes for creating impact in a place, through working with older people.

How might we understand how coproduction and partnerships with older people, support improvement in places people live?

The Ageing in Place Pathfinder is led by GMCA working with Manchester School of Architecture and nine lead organisations anchoring the Pathfinder Partnerships in 10 neighbourhoods. In these partnerships local organisations are working together with local residents to agree and prioritise ways to improve the quality of life for residents as they grow older.

A Brilliant Thing CIC worked with Curators of Change, to gather stories, through community research, Ripple Mapping and creative interventions, visiting community cafes, allotments and events and holding street interviews. We created a Recipe Book to capture and communicate the impact of the Ageing in Place Pathfinder initiative through diverse and compelling storytelling.

We presented this work at the Ageing in Place conference in 2024. The finished Recipe Book will be published in early 2025.


Bolton Compassion Circle


Existing Leaders Programme