Culture Camp 2023

Celebrating diverse, creative & supportive organisational cultures across the UK.

Good Morning!

At 8am our first ‘Brilliant Culture’ theme is Visibility

Its 9am and our second ‘Brilliant Culture’ theme Trust

Its 10am and we love our third ‘Brilliant Culture’ theme Collaboration!

11am and time to pause on our fourth ‘Brilliant Culture’ theme Connection

LinkedIn Live!

Join us at 12 noon for a conversation on linkedIn about creating Trauma Informed Workplaces and creating safe supported spaces at work.

1pm, and ‘Brilliant Culture’ theme five - Practical Processes

2pm and ‘Brilliant Culture’ theme five - Stories with Purpose

3pm and our final ‘Brilliant Culture’ theme - Support



The Brilliant Club

Is now open.

This invitation is so for you.
Are you in?

Find out more

Thank you to the leaders, activists, creatives & changemakers who made this event possible.

Huge shout out to Kirstie Henderson of Brave Day films for the editing and support, Peter Firth for podcast magic and to Carys and Laura for helping with all things comms!