Design-thinking for culture change

"Design-thinking is good for start ups but what if I want to change the culture in my org?"

I run a monthly free webinar Design-thinking: What is it and why does it matter? and this question came up for a participant. We discussed three ideas:

1. No matter what your position or seniority in an org, you can create change, learn what you can influence, however small, then have the confidence to shape and innovate here first, and create a ripple effect out

2. Questions are key, at the beginning ask what the end-user might think, ask for imagination, ask what's important or what's different now- be the catalyst for new thinking

3. Experience creates changed minds, a changed mind changes behaviour. If you can create an experience, help someone 'feel' empathy, get excited about exploring, 'get' the precise pleasure of a defining statement or allow them to grow through prototype learning -change will follow.

Shared experiences are even better and create that critical mass for change- that started with you.

Some of the ‘human-centered’ solutions that can be found though Design-thinking practices are:

  • Building a community-focused brand

  • Creating a positive impact on the planet

  • Nurturing meaningful experiences for your customers

  • Cultivating happy, innovative teams

  • Developing an ethical organisation

To book onto the next free webinar or find out about our design thinking services click here


How to Choose – A Global, Local, Personal approach


Deep Change