Writing & Speaking
Kerry, our co-director is author of Healing-Centred Transformation: Mend, Tend and Change the Future (which will be published June 25 by Practical Inspiration Publishing)
Kerry writes and speaks with passion about transforming chronic pain into social power, and using trauma-informed design.
If you would like to discuss a speaking or writing opportunity, please email Kerry kerry@brilliantthing.co.uk Kerry’s Bio | Headshot
Published Articles
Beyond Profit: Machines or designers? Why designing for social good matters
Charity People: Stop Spinning Plates - designing your work/life
Green Living Goals: How To Recover From Burnout - The EcoLogical
Find your Wings: Confident cultures that begin with you
NAVCA: Inclusive Messaging
Ideas Alliance: My Best Mistake
Exploratory writing Substack - Resilient and Brilliant
Reflections on current work A Brilliant Thing Blog
Events and Conferences
Re-Facilitation Conference - International Association of Facilitators
Equalities Assembly - Action Together
Call to Action event - Cartwheel Arts
Healing-Centred Transformation - A Brilliant Thing CIC podcast
In progress - Kerry’s Book
Resilient and Brilliant: Transforming pain into power
A book about my experience of chronic pain, and our societies collective experience of pain, caused by oppression, abuse and injustice.
Brimming with inspirational stories, tools and ideas, explore the links between the personal and societal pain, and discover how Healing-Centered Design can create the power to transform both.